How does Triad Aer compare to other air purifiers on the market?
Unlike most air cleaning systems that require the pollutants to be brought to the device, called passive devices (like a filter), the Triad Aer air purifier is proactive, seeking out and destroying all impurities in the air. The Triad Aer air purifier attacks pollution at its various sources throughout your indoor environment, including your breathing space and even on surfaces. The Triad Aer will literally purify anywhere the air can get to reduce particles, break down dangerous gasses, and inactivate bacteria, and viruses. In summary, the Triad Aer uses some of the most advanced and effective technology that has ever been discovered, resulting in clean air and happy customers who breathe and live better.
How does the technology work?
The Triad Aer air purifier uses three distinct technologies to break down/destroy pollutants such as the thousands of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), air-born allergens, dust, air pollutants, odor-causing compounds, bacteria, viruses, particulates (dust/dander), and much more, which are found in the indoor environment. These technologies include:
Two Types of Ionization (Pulse and Needlepoint)
Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO)
Activated Oxygen
Where should I place the Triad?
It is best to place it in the most occupied area of the home as high up as possible. A good choice, for example, would be in the living room on a bookshelf.
How do I determine what model I should use the Triad Aer air purifier in?
More is not necessarily better when it comes to air purification. The goal of the Triad Aer air purifier is to create a natural purification as we find in the fresh mountain air. To begin, always place the purifier in PCO NORMAL MODE. After the 1st week, try the HIGH MODE setting at 250 ft2 as long as the room the purifier is in is no less than 250 ft2. After a few more days, gradually increase the square footage setting up to the area of the environment being treated (NOTE: Do not exceed the square footage of the enclosed area. Do not count rooms closed off by doors or other areas where air does not flow freely between rooms.). If at any point you find the purification to be too strong, reduce the square footage set. You may even choose to revert back to PCO NORMAL MODE if the lowest setting in HIGH MODE is not pleasant for you.
Why is the Triad Aer air purifier more expensive than other air purifiers?
Keep in mind that the Triad Aer air purifier has some of the most advanced stand-alone air purification technology available. Other similar types of purifiers that are not as effective often cost two to four times as much as the Triad Aer air purifier. HEPA filters can cost as much as $1,500 over a five-year period of time. The Triad Aer air purifier delivers results by dramatically improving your indoor air quality for much less than other systems available.
Is activated oxygen (Ozone) dangerous or harmful to people and/or pets?
Activated Oxygen (Ozone) is 100% safe for people and pets as long as the ozone level is not extremely high, in a small, confined area. Ozone is a natural element and is found almost everywhere (outside and inside) and is emitted by most electronic devices (including computers). The Triad Aer air purifier is completely safe when used as recommended and not under extreme conditions (e.g., putting the machine on the 3000 sq ft mode or “away mode” while locked in a 50 sq ft bathroom or small closet for weeks at a time.) While ozone is a controversial topic, few people know the facts. The reality is that the EPA invested $1.5 million dollars in an effort to prove ozone had killed millions of people. After exhausting their resources and millions of dollars, the EPA was unable to find ANYone that had even experienced any long-term health problems associated with Ozone. Furthermore, during these studies, the EPA tested enormous levels of ozone with animals in small areas, for months at a time, and again the EPA was unable to find ANY long-term negative impacts on the animals’ health or their organs. The Triad Aer air purifiers follow the recommended Ozone levels by the EPA while taking advantage of the many advantages Ozone has, including eliminating odors, bacteria, viruses, and much more. It’s an extremely effective way to clean your air, removing any impurities. Additionally, one of the great things about the Triad Aer is that in the PCO mode, the machine emits 0 (zero) Ozone, enabling customers to take advantage of the other technology within the Triad Aer, while having the option of whether or not the machine emits Ozone. In summary, Ozone is safe and beneficial and there is tons of research to back these statements.
How much ozone is released from the Triad
When used in PCO or NORMAL MODE, no ozone is used in the purification process. In HIGH MODE, when the purifier is adjusted for the area being treated, ozone levels are typically 0.1 to 0.3 PPM, well below the safe and “natural” level set by the EPA. It is important to set the square foot setting based upon the ventilated space (where air can get to) and not the entire square footage of the home.
What happens to the particles that are being removed from the air in the room?
The two forms of ionization in the Triad Aer air purifier cause ultra-fine and larger particles to become negatively charged, and because most particles in the indoor environment are positively charged, the particles attract each other and clump together. This causes the particles to gain mass and either get pulled into the HVAC filter or drop to the floor at which point they must be swept up or vacuumed to be disposed of.
Can the Triad Aer air purifier be used in a smaller area
Yes. However, when used in a small (up to 250 square feet), the unit should be operated in PCO or NORMAL MODE. In areas over 250 square feet, the unit can be operated in HIGH MODE. (NOTE: Do not exceed the square footage of the enclosed area. Do not count rooms closed off by doors or other areas where air does not flow freely between rooms.)
Is the Triad Aer air purifier harmful to people and their pets?
No. The Triad Aer air purifier is completely safe when used in accordance with the owner manual’s recommended use.
Is there any maintenance necessary on the Triad Aer air purifier?
Yes. The unit should be cleaned on a regular basis (typically every few months). A small mesh plate, as well as the rear filter, needs to be cleaned according to instructions in the Owner’s Manual. Most customers find this to be extremely easy and quick. This is one of the best parts of using the Triad Aer air purifier. In especially dusty or smoky environments, we recommend the use of an additional pre-filter to protect your Triad Aer and keep it cleaner. The PCO Cell (UV lamp module) requires replacement after its recommended lifespan has been reached.
Can one Triad Aer air purifier cover the whole house?
Yes, many times it can; but this certainly depends upon the size and layout of the house and how much pollution the Triad Aer has to deal with. The unit can benefit and be more effective if it is placed in such a way that after delivering the purification to a large area it can be picked up by the air return and distributed through the duct system to other parts of the home. The Triad Aer is designed so that in “normal environments” it can handle up to 3,000 sq. ft.
Can the Triad Aer be moved around? (To avoid using multiple units.) Yes. The unit is portable. That is one of its great features. We recommend you locate the best spot in your home that makes it most effective. Typically this is mounted high in a family room close to the kitchen area. Even so, you may find from time to time that you have a reason to temporarily relocate it to deal with odors.
Does the Triad Aer air purifier need to run all the time?
The Triad Aer is designed to be left on 24/7. This allows the advanced technologies of the unit to maintain a clean environment, rather than having to play catch up each time the purifier is activated. Even during periods when you are away from the home for an extended period, it is best to leave your purifier on to reduce bacteria levels, which are common when a home is closed up for an extended period.
Since the Triad Aer air purifier uses an ionizer, will it cause a Black/Gray Wall effect?
No. The Triad Aer air purifier ionization technology projects the ions out the front of the air purifier. As long as the device is directed towards the middle of the room, there should be no instances of a Black/Gray Wall. The Black/Gray Wall effect occurs when ionizers negatively charge the walls, which will attract particulates. However, since many of the particles drop to the floor, they must be swept up or vacuumed and disposed of. So this should not concern you at all.
How long does the PCO Cell (UV lamp module) last?
The operational life of the PCO Cell is approximately 9,000 hours.
How large is the Triad Aer air purifier?
12″ Tall, 9″ Wide, 12″ Deep
Do OH molecules have any smell?
No. Though, though some people may detect a slight metallic odor associated with the photocatalytic activity but that smell is not a result of OH molecules.
Is it a problem if the concentration of OH in the air is too high?
The Triad Aer air purifier ionization technology projects the ions out the front of the purifier. As long as the Triad Aer air purifier is directed towards the middle of the room, there should be no instances of Black/Gray walls. The Black/Gray Wall effect occurs when ionizers negatively charge the walls, which will attract particulates. However, since many of the particles drop to the floor, they must be swept up or vacuumed and disposed of.
What if the PCO light in the unit does not come on when the Triad Aer air purifier is turned on?
First, make sure the wall outlet has power and the green LED indicator on the external AC to DC power adapter is lit. Then verify the purifier is turned on and the fan is operating. Next, check that the PCO Cell is properly plugged in. You’ll need to remove the rear grill and filter, and then ensure the plug from the PCO Cell is firmly seated in its socket. If the unit still does not work, contact customer service.
How many positive ions does the Triad Aer air purifier produce along with negative ones?
The Triad Aer air purifier produces only negative ions, approximately 1.5M ions/cu cm at a distance of 1 meter. Because the majority of pollution in the indoor environment is positively charged, adding negative charges causes particles to attract, clump together, and then fall from breathing space.
How are negatively charged ion molecules collected after attaching to the positively charged ones in the atmosphere? Is there a mechanism that provides for this in the Triad Aer air purifier?
The process of ionization involves the negatively charged ions coming from the unit, to traveling throughout the home attracting positively charged particulates. The process is called agglomeration. The particulates become larger and heavier and fall to the surfaces, i.e. furniture, tabletops, counters, floors, and are taken care of by normal home cleaning procedures (sweeping and vacuuming). Because these particulates are heavier than air, they do not get re-airborne. There is no mechanism inside the unit to collect these particles other than the rear filter, which is primarily responsible for keeping the unit itself clean.
Does the Triad Aer air purifier oxidize metal or rubber products?
The purifying oxidizers created by the Triad Aer air purifier when operated in NORMAL MODE or when set to a proper setting in HIGH MODE are not dispersed in levels that will adversely affect metals, plastics, or rubber items in your indoor environment. When using the AWAY MODE (for use only when the area is unoccupied by humans and pets) a level of ozone is generated that helps sanitize the area. Continuous exposure to elevated ozone levels can cause a breakdown of natural rubber products and the oxidation of the metal. For this reason, the use of the AWAY MODE should be limited to two to four times per month with a maximum of two hours per session.